It was a nice recipe liked the biscuit flavor and coco taste...
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8 Kit Kat Fingers (Broken in halfs)
3 Scoops Ice Cream chocolate or vanilla
2 Cups Cocomilk
1/2 Milk
- For 2 Cups of warm milk add 2 to 3 Tbsp of sweetened cocopowder and mix well allow to cool and add to a freezer safe bowl place in the refrigerator and allow the milk to form crystals remove from fridge and give a good mix before adding to a mixer jar.
- Add the kitkat, crystallized coco milk, vanilla icecream to a mixer jar blend well add milk if need to blend the ingredients till well combined.
How can I get invited to your blog ? Can't seem to see older entires such as the mushroom tikka masala
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